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Conversational AI combines with your HubSpot data to give you what you need. Eliminate time waste with Rolochat.

Start with a free trial, then only £14.99/mo


Get access to what matters faster than ever before, just chat! Ask for insights, or the stage of deals or contacts based in a town you are passing through.


Rolochat is a browser extension for Chrome. This means you can have it open anytime you need it, making it easy to write reports or send emails!


Add Rolochat to your browser and then register by authenticating your account with HubSpot. This ensures data security for your data.

Who are we

"One of Scotland's most interesting start-ups"


How it works

Screenshot 2024-10-07 132148.png

Add Chrome Extension

First you need to add the browser extension to your chrome - other browser extensions will launch soon (Safari & Edge).

Authenticate and Chat

Signup with your HubSpot account and hey presto, you have access to your data (but only the permissions you've been granted). You can now chat with your HubSpot, get graphs and ask it to generate content.

How it works

Alexa Young, CA

“the best thing by far is being able to get [Rolochat] to generate email drafts based on the data in HubSpot, its amazing!"

Morgan James, NY

"As a manager, I am constantly analysing team performance. I can now have a google sheet open and copy and paste graphs directly from Rolochat"

Lisa Driver, MI

“Big thumbs up for Rolochat, I have found it invaluable when juggling loads of things. No more lengthy searching, just tell it what you need”



£14.99/mo + VAT

Free Trial (30 calls)
Cloud Based
Unlimited Calls
Generate text and graphs
Connect to your HubSpot Account
Matches User Permissions

Secure Data

😀 No hidden fees.


£TBC/mo +

Enterprise Plans

Local or Cloud Based
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Calls

Generate text and graphs
Connect to your HubSpot Account
Matches User Permissions
Secure Data

😀 No hidden fees .

Subscriptions to RoloChat are subject to our Terms and Conditions. Please ensure you read and understand them fully before subscribing.

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Register Today

 Start with a free trial, then only £14.99/mo

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